Through the sands of the Sahara, footsteps trace,
Dreams of a better life, a hopeful place.
The journey begins in lands so far,
Where futures are scarce and struggles are hard.
They leave behind the homes they know,
Cross deserts vast, where the winds blow.
Each step they take is full of fear,
Yet they move on, drawn by the hope so near.
Through burning sun and cold, dark nights,
They face the dangers, the unseen fights.
Camels carry the weight of their dreams,
As they wade through rivers of untold streams.
The borders are distant, yet close they feel,
Bound by the hunger for a brighter deal.
Through desolation, they search for light,
A promise of peace, a future in sight.
In refugee camps, they build their homes,
Finding solace where the silence roams.
Stories of struggle, voices suppressed,
Yet hope remains in hearts oppressed.
They travel far, yet often unseen,
Their journeys are long, their burdens mean.
But in the silence, their spirits rise,
For hope is born in those who strive.
Though lands may change, the paths diverge,
The spirit of movement lives on the verge.
For every migrant is a story of flight,
In search of peace, in search of light.
Explication du poème :
« Footprints Across the Sahara : Les voyages de l’espoir » raconte l’histoire de migrants qui traversent le Sahara à la recherche de meilleures opportunités. Le poème décrit les luttes et les défis rencontrés au cours de leur voyage, depuis les environnements difficiles jusqu’aux dangers rencontrés en chemin. Il reflète l’espoir qui anime ces personnes malgré l’adversité, décrivant la migration comme une quête de paix, de liberté et d’un avenir meilleur. Le poème rend hommage à la résilience des migrants et à la force de leurs rêves, même lorsqu’ils sont confrontés à l’incertitude et aux difficultés.
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